3 year olds are so insightful and possess an intelligence that is far beyond that which we carry as adults. The other day I learned that “wood, string, fur, and magic” are the key ingredients one needs to make a djembe drum. I LOVE that!! Kids are wide open to the world! I may be a “teacher” but honestly, there are some days when I sit in my car after a lesson and realize that I learned more in the last hour than the kids probably did. As a music educator I have to offer insight so my students understand the topic on a slightly deeper level each time we meet, but I must also offer an open mind and heart. I can learn so much if I just stay open to the things they tell me.
Over the last few years I have been developing my own early childhood music class called “Monkey Music“. It’s a class for 3-5 year olds that teaches the fundamentals of music through games and crafts. I’ve been gearing up to teach this in a preschool near my house (an amazing preschool, btw. GREAT space, teachers, parents, kids) but in the meantime, I also have the pleasure of doing small group sessions with 3 awesome munchkins.
And here we are doing a craft activity… making shakers!
Oh the joy of sharing music with children. There is truly nothing more fulfilling…
You can find my current teaching schedule here.